
I'm Back. Miss Me?

Miss me? Thought so.

My life has been an abyss of loneliness without you. OK, not really. But I have felt a naggy loneliness, kind of like how I feel with there are no new episodes of SVU on TV for a long time. So, you're about equal with Mariska Hargitay in my mind.

We have so much to catch up on.

1. The Britney Comeback - I TOLD YOU SO. She might still be hopped up on a mix of Clonozopam and Abilify but I see improvement.

2. Barack - HOLLA!

3. The Inevitable Death of Wino - I'm still on death watch for our fave crackie.

4. The Rachel Zoe Project - Clearly, Brad was the star of the season. He's like a classier, less tranny loving version of Christian.

5. The recession - Selling ass on Craigslist looks pretty good right about now.


I missed you dahlings. I hope no one hates me. Please stop back. I love you.


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