
Perez Is Concerned With Heart Health?

I am so sorry blog gods for offending your eyes with this picture.

I needed to post this because fatass just pissed me off bigtime. If you know me, you know that the American Heart Association is a very near and dear cause to me. My sister was born with congenital heart defects, and my Dad's family has heart disease all up in it. Did I mention my mother runs a cardiology practice? Yes. She does.

Anyway, imagine my astonishment to see Captain Coronary Waiting To Happen AKA Perez promoting the AHA on his site.

Don't get me wrong, he SHOULD be using his "celebrity" for something other than getting free shit at events. I'm happy he wants to promote a good cause.

HOWEVER. Why doesn't he put down the hoho's if he wants to promote heart health? Take care of your own ticker Perez. Otherwise you seem like a total hypocrite.

Click the title of this post to view his post.


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