
Abortion Protesters Decide a Child's Movie is an Appropriate Place To Stage a Protest

File this under total fucking insanity bullshit.

According to TMZ, a bunch of pro-lifers infiltrated the screening of "Horton Hears a Who" to stage a protest. They started chanting some crazy shit after the movie, and then put tape over their mouths that said "life" and paraded around the damn theater.

Posh was there, and you know she was about to get ghetto with those idiots. She was going to kick them in the head with her Louboutins.

This kind of shit makes me fucking sick and I can't believe people think this is appropriate. Whatever, hate me for saying it, but what you want to do with your uterus is your own fucking business. If you have a problem with the decisions others make, don't USE A FUCKING CHILDRENS MOVIE PREMIER TO MAKE YOUR DISPLEASURE KNOWN. So tacky and innappropriate.


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