

In case you can't make it out in this photo, Funbags Anderson has big ass bruises on her arms. She was on Craig Ferguson last night and he was like "wtf is this shit" and she proceeded to explain.... wait for it.... wait.......

that she was attacked by leeches when she was nine years old and her bruises are from that incedent.

Right. and Wino's crackface is really "impetigo".

Here's the truth bitches. I'm from the north. I have had a leech stuck to me after swimming in a lake. it's like nothing at all. It does not cause bruises that last 100 years. Tell no one I admit to that.

So, there is no way in hell her fucked up arm is from that. Thoughts on what it's from?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm thinking tommy lee's penis. just sayin.