
I'm Baaaaaaaaaack

What better way to welcome you all back to my little slice of the internets than by posting a picture of Katie "I'm normal I swear!" Cruise (Holmes.), her big gayelle husband and alien baby celebrating our country's independence from those British prudes.

Homegirl looks SICK. Like, someone needs to stop the vegetable oil and niacin cleanses because her liver is about to go on a permanent vaycay. She must have permanent diahree. Nast.

In case you're wondering, the move went well. I am now a certified beach bum. I have an ankle bracelet and everything. Don't judge. I'm bringing it back. My posts may be infrequent for the next few days, but I'm back and ready to rage.

Let the gossip commence!


Photo: Dlisted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's not called an ankle bracelet, it's called an anklet. geez.