
OF COURSE Brit's stalker is from Minneapolis.

First of all, I'll point out that this of course is a very old Brit pic. I prefer to use attractive photos of her. I miss old Brit. She'll be back bitches, she'll be back.

So if you haven't heard, Brit has a crazy stalker from my home sweet home, the MSP. Apparently, he has been sending her packages to a LA address, but not her home. So, I really don't have a fucking clue where he is sending them. They have sex toys and handwritten letters in them.

The creepiest shit of all is that he inclosed a picture of himself, which DLISTED said appears to be:

"a middle-aged caucasian male with stringy, greasy hair — with the eyes cut out of the photo, in which he appears to be squirting some sort of yellowish liquid into his open mouth."

I'm convinced it's a guy that works in the parking garages at the University of Minnesota. He works in the booths where you pay. I see him all the time. CREEPY.

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