
I'm Feeling So Honest Today.


You are not a fat girl. You aren't.

HOWEVER. These shorts DO NOTHING FOR YOUR LEGS. Those shorts belong on your hot mess little sister. They are made for pre-teens that do not have voluptuous thighs and hips. Take them off. You look a mess.

You were doing ok for a minute there. Not tooooooo many bad outfit choices. I could even rock with you on the leggings obsession. I just cannot deal with this look. Give the shorts to Ali.


Photo: Dlisted.


Unknown said...

UGH they need to be ironed. Oh wait, they wouldn't NEED to be ironed if they were on an 11 year old who should be wearing them. They are too small and are getting stuck all up in her leg crease and getting wrinkly. Come on! Lindz, you are skinny - thank god not as waif-ish as you once were - but still skinny. Don't make yourself look so bleeehhhh!

Nicole said...

Seriously. I mean, these are not her size, and they are not cute. I FULLY understand the shorts struggle. I really do. But there is no excuse for this
